Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Breaking Bad Habits

I have a few of these for sure.  Obviously they are habits so they will not be going away overnight.  I'll start with one and work on it til I think I've got it taken care of, then add another.  This may take awhile!

The first one I'm going to work on is leaving the clean laundry on the pool table in my dining room.  It never fails, I'll leave one load there and it turns into 3-4 quickly.  Turns into an hour worth of folding and putting away laundry before I know it, not to mention the wrinkles and the messy room.

Just recently I cleaned off the pool table and put everything away, so I'm starting with a clean slate.  Let's hope I can keep it that way!

Do you have any bad habits that need breaking?

Check out the new series Breaking Bad Habits with My Happy House!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome bad habit to tackle! I can't wait to see how you do! Good Luck!


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